Pioneers of Accomplishment Behavioural Concepts ©

Providing workshops that facilitate the development of behaviours allowing for accomplished lifestyle choices across all walks of life.


It is extremely likely that at some point in an individual’s life, especially if they are an athlete, sports person or work in a profession that has key performance indicators, that they have heard of or experienced performance coaching.

Performance coaching is a process whereby the coach develops skills and competencies in the coachee to help facilitate changes in the coachee’s life. Often the measure of success in performance coaching is defined by the specific goal or outcome that these changes are designed to help achieve, i.e. a specific performance level that is to be attained based on a specific measure.

At Infinite Evolution (part of the Passion Fit Coaching family) we believe that performance coaching has arisen to meet a need that occurs as a result of the perception that it is important to fulfil certain requirements in life. These are often requirements that may not ultimately make us happy or accomplished. We also believe that many of today’s perceived measures of success have been so heavily implied to us at a subconscious level that we have actually lost sight of what really matters. This can ultimately lead to an existential void and a complete loss of personal meaning. By introducing individuals to the Accomplishment Behavioural Coaching techniques, that Passion Fit Coaching & Infinite Evolution have pioneered, athletes will re-find their meaning and fill that void, without neglecting their duties within the required elements of day to day living. 

How does Accomplishment Behavioural Coaching© (ABC for short) differ from traditional performance coaching? 

Accomplishment Behavioural Coaching is the process whereby the coach facilitates development in the mindset of the coachee, resulting in a change in behaviours. Accomplishment in the Infinite Evolution world is not measured by the achievement of a desired outcome, but is measured ipsatively** through the continuous development of the athlete towards their own potential and the mastery of a set of behaviours that can be applied across many aspects of their life. It takes them on a journey towards becoming a higher version of themselves. 

(** ipsative assessment is assessment of an individual’s progression based on their potential and their start point)

ABC was innovated and pioneered by Passion Fit Coaching (the forerunner to Infinite Evolution) over many years of coaching in both sporting & corporate environments and from the relatively unique personal experiences of the founders. It evolved following the realisation that both an individual’s objective & perceived level of accomplishment was linked more to their attitude, mindset and behaviour than it was to the action plan they followed.  It was HOW they executed their action plan and the choices they made that differentiated the athletes that moved closer to their potential at a higher rate from those that did not. Over time the coaching team began to identify and draw out the specific behaviours that accomplished individuals consistently demonstrated. By aligning these with the principle of ipsative assessment they were able to establish an innovative and unique approach to the development of their coachees that led to sustained & continued progression and a greater level of self development. This encouraged a decision driven dynamic development© process that meant coachees invariably reached a greater percentage of their potential. Their level of accomplishment was sustained consistently and they experienced higher levels of interval motivation to keep finding new ways to better themselves. 


What is it and why does it matter? 

As well effective execution of the Accomplishment Behaviours we believe that coachability is an essential skill that is required to support ongoing personal development. What is coachability? Coachability is the ability to utilise input streams to develop knowledge, understanding, skill, intuition, creativity and strategic thinking to progress to a more effective version of one’s self.


We’d love to work with you.